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Correction: Identification of SSR markers linked to the abscission of cotton boll traits and mining germplasm in Cotton

The Original Article was published on 05 June 2024

Correction: J Cotton Res 7, 20 (2024)

Following publication of the original article (Shui et al. 2024), the author found 5 errors in the published article.

  1. 1.

    One of the author’s name has been corrected from Gou Chunping to Guo Chunping.

  2. 2.

    The reference (Zhao SQ. 2016) in Table 2 has been updated to: Zhao SQ. Analysis on the major gene and multigene mixed inheritance and QTL mapping for early maturity traits in upland cotton. Chin Acad Agric Sci. 2016. (in Chinese with English abstract).

  3. 3.

    In 'Results' part, 'Phenotype analysis of 238 cotton boll abscission among cotton accessions' paragraph, the phenotype analysis of AR1 ranging from 19.27%–63.79%, which was wrongly written as 19.27%-63.97%.

  4. 4.

    The ‘2018KRL’is modified to ‘2018KEL’ in Table 1.

Table 1 has been updated from:

Table 1 Phenotypic statistics of cotton boll abscission traits

figure a


Table 1 Statistics of cotton the abscission of cotton boll traits in cotton

figure b
  1. 5.

    The four X-axes is modified to Environments in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1 has been updated from:

figure c


figure d

The original article (Shui et al. 2024) has been updated.


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Correspondence to Song Guoli or Nie Xinhui.

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Shui, G., Lin, H., Ma, X. et al. Correction: Identification of SSR markers linked to the abscission of cotton boll traits and mining germplasm in Cotton. J Cotton Res 7, 22 (2024).

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